Veterinary Clinics
Riverview Veterinary Clinic, Cork - An outclinic for small animals is regularly carried out in the Carrigaline branch.
Animal Care Hospital, Cork - An outclinic for small animals is also carried out in Douglas, Cork
Ark Veterinary Clinic, Galway - Small animals are seen at the Knocknacarra branch on the last Thursday of every month
Mulcair Veterinary Clinic, Cappamore, Co Limerick - This is the clinic where small animals are seen and where surgery is carried out
Veterinary education
Veterinary Advances provides specialist information for veterinarians, veterinary technicians and veterinary students, with a focus on smartphone and tablet Apps. Natasha has created a feline ophthalmology app and a canine ophthalmology app for iPhone, available through the App Store.
Natasha has also written some textbook chapters. She has contributed the ophthalmology content to the BSAVA Manual of Feline Practice.
Professional organisations
BrAVO - the British Association of Veterinary Ophthalmologists. This is an organisation which British and Irish ophthalmologists are members of. It is an very active organisation and organises twice yearly educational meetings, which any vet interested in ophthalmology is welcome to register for and attend.
ESVO - European Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology
ECVO - European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists
ACVO - American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists
Eye Testing under BVA/KC/ISDS Scheme
BVA - British Veterinary Association eye testing is explained
Genetic testing
Optigen - Genetic testing for inherited eye diseases.
The Animal Health Trust - Genetic testing for some inherited eye diseases is available at the Animal Health Trust, Newmarket, UK.
Cat friendly sites
Cat Professional - This is a website offering information and advice for cat owners and cat professionals, and through which manuals about caring for cats with certain conditions can be purchased.
Fab Cats - General cat care advice along with information about cat care diseases, behaviour and general care.
Other ophthalmology-related resources
Cataract surgery - a you-tube video created by the ACVO about cataract surgery in animals.
David Williams - An interesting website featuring new clinical cases with photographs.
Retinal disease in border collies - A very informative article by Professor Greg Acland about retinal disease such as PRA in border collies but also applies to other breeds.