
Please read the Disclaimer below.

Eye Vet and Natasha Mitchell have developed this Website with reasonable skill and care to provide general information on ocular health and care. This Website however does not, and cannot, provide advice on any individual situation. It is not a substitute for advice from a veterinary surgeon on each individual situation.

Eye Vet and Natasha Mitchell therefore strongly recommend that users seek, and follow, advice from their veterinary surgeon on any health or other care concerns that they may have pertaining to their animals. Users should not take, or omit to take, action concerning the health or care of their animals in reliance on the information contained in this Website and so far as permissible by law, Eye Vet and Natasha Mitchell exclude all liability and responsibility for the consequences of any such action or omission in reliance on that information. While this Website does not provide advice on, or recommend treatments or medications for, individual situations, users attention is brought to the fact that some of the medications referred to in this Website may not be licensed (veterinary approved) in all countries and therefore may not be available in all countries.

All advice given to treating vets is given in good faith but Eye Vet and Natasha Mitchell cannot accept responsibility for the outcome of any eye condition which has not been personally examined by Eye Vet and Natasha Mitchell, as telephone or email advice are not reliable substitutes compared with the benefits of a clinical examination.